Vollbildmodus schließen Lansuite - Vollbildmodus 17.05.2024 |


    A web based lanparty administration tool
    Idea based upon lansuite Version 1 by
    Raphael Mansmann
    Christian Weyer
    Project Management
    Jochen Jung
    Marco Müller
    Denny Mleinek
    Raphael Mansmann
    HTML and Graphics
    Sebastian Haslinger
    Johannes Treitz
    Marco Scholl
    Framework-Programming and Class-Design
    Raphael Mansmann
    Johannes Treitz
    Christian Weyer
    Denny Mleinek
    Marco Scholl
    Jochen Jung
    Marco Müller
    Erweiterungen, Optimierungen, Fehlerbeseitigung
    Raphael Mansmann
    Jochen Jung
    Marco Müller
    Wir danken allen Modulprogramierern.
    Im Modulkonfigurator kann man nachsehen wer welches Modul geschrieben hat
    On-line Documentation
    Sebastian Haslinger
    Thanks and Greets go to
    an alle aktiven User im Board
    OpenSource Intranet Blog (http://blog.one-network.org)
    an alle Dokuschreiber
    OpenSource Intranet Blog (http://lansuite-docu.orgapage.de)
    Gigahertz Rent GmbH
    WWCL (http://www.wwcl.de)
    php.net (Funktionsreferenz)
    TortoiseSVN (http://tortoisesvn.net/)
    phpBB.com (http://www.phpbb.com)
    Adobe (Photoshop)
    Fraunhofer Institut (MPEG 1 Layer 3)
    Domain Factory GmbH
    Fox&Pro7 (Simpsons)
    Spinnrad St. Wendel
    Gauloises Cigarettes (Raphael)
    The crazy old man who's complaining over all about the drunken teenagers at the trainstation
    All lanparty organisators
    Lanshock developers
    PHPChrystal developers
    Linus Torvalds
    and all other friends
    " Life is like a Trainstation "
    Written on PSPad, Kate, UltraEdit and ZendStudio
    Lansuite has been written and tested using
    PHP 4.3.11 / 5.0.5 and MySQL 4.1.1 / 5.0
    Lansuite consists of:
    PHP: 51268 php-code lines and 2149482 chars
    HTML: 12156 html-code lines and 455622 chars